Look, a Non-Rant!

Stolen from a friend's friend's site I admire.

Facts and figures
Birthday: December 31 (25, here I come)
Birthplace: Plainfield, NJ
Current location: St. Louis, MO
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Auburn
Height: 5'5"
Right-handed or left-handed: Right-handed
Your heritage: Half Polish, half American (since the Revolution, which is why I'm answering so vaguely. And yes, I am a member of DAR)
The shoes you wore today: Brown and bronze Mary Jane platforms by Mia
Your weakness: Shopping, Catholic guilt, food, insecurity
Your fears: Failure, spiders
Your perfect pizza: The four-cheese at Schlafly's Bottleworks is unimpeachable
Goal you would like to achieve next year: Getting married; losing those last five pounds
Your most overused phrase on an instant messenger: brb
Thoughts first waking up: If I don't shave my legs this morning, can I sleep another 10 minutes? (I never bypass this bathing ritual, so I end up putting my makeup on at work)
Your best physical feature: It's a three-way tie between my eyes, waist and breasts (sorry. I have plenty of features I am not fond of)
Your bedtime: Weeknights, around 10:30 p.m. Weekends, usually by 2 a.m.
Your most missed memory: I'm at a really wonderful time in my life, so that's a harder question to answer than it might normally be. White Christmases in New Jersey, summers in Maine, late (deadline) nights when I was editor of the high school newspaper or the many fun experiences I had in college with Bruce, Chase, Christie, Kaity, Melissa and Meredith
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Pepsi but regular Coke (especially Coke in glass bottles)
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's fries and chicken nuggets but Burger King for everything else
Single or group dates: Single
Lipton iced tea or Nestea: I hate iced tea
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Neither. Hot chocolate or chai tea lattes
Do you smoke: No
Do you swear: Yes
Do you sing: Not well
Do you shower daily: I'm a bath kind of girl, but yes
Have you been in love: Definitely
Do you want to go to college: I graduated in '03
Do you want to get married: Yes
Do you belive in yourself: Let's just say when it comes to some things, confidence is not a problem
Do you get motion sickness: All the time
Do you think you are attractive: Sometimes. More as I get older, which is weird
Are you a health freak: Ha. No
Do you get along with your parents: Yes. More as I get older, which is not so weird
Do you like thunderstorms: An unbelievable amount
Do you play an instrument: Used to play the piano and clarinet, but I'm not musically inclined
In the past month have you drank alcohol: Yes
In the past month have you smoked: Nope
In the past month have you been on drugs: No
In the past month have you gone on a date: Yes
In the past month have you gone to a mall: Yes. *blush* I might be the only person I know who buys herself things right before Christmas. But only because Express had a gigantic sale, and I'm not one to resist a sale.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No, but Michael recently bought us two whole boxes -- mint and white chocolate -- that we plan to use during our annual Oreo Train Wreck event (this is when we pour endless glasses of milk and eat Oreos all day while playing video games and then collapse on the floor. I think we got the idea from a commercial.)
In the past month have you eaten sushi: No, but I wish I had. Learning to like sushi was one of my goals for 2005, and I was successful!
In the past month have you been on stage: No
In the past month have you been dumped: No, thankfully!
In the past month have you gone skinny dipping: You know, I've done a lot of things naked, but sadly, swimming is not one of them. And I don't mean to sound like a harlot here, really.
In the past month have you stolen anything: Hmm. Hard one. Of course.
Ever been drunk: Yes
Ever been called a tease: Unfortunately, more than I'd like to admit. Deep down, I'm a good girl
Ever been beaten up: No, but I've always wanted to get in a fight
Ever shoplifted: When I was 7 or 8, I stole a red pen from an Acme grocery store in New Jersey
How do you want to die: Painlessly and in my old age
What do you want to be when you grow up: Good question
What country would you most like to visit: I'd really love to go to Spain, France, Italy and Greece

In a boy:
Favorite eye color: Brown or blue
Favorite hair color: Brown or black
Short or long hair: Short
Height: Tall
Weight: I've been attracted to all kind of guys, but skinny usually does it for me
Best clothing style: Classic/trendy (Michael is a good example of this.) I really don't like the frat boy/hip-hop look, and a little metrosexual goes a long way.

Number of drugs I have taken: One
Number of CDs I own: It was around 500 before someone stole them. A better question is how many MP3s I have, and once I rip the rest of my CDs, I'd imagine around 6,000
Number of piercings: Four. Used to be seven (three holes in each ear and my lip)
Number of tattoos: None. I think tattoos are trashy, personally.
Number of things in my past I regret: Two or three I can think of

12-21-2005 8:39 AM - comments (1)

In Which I Accuse All Conservatives of Racism.*

President Bush today defended a secret program that eavesdrops on international phone calls involving some U.S. citizens, saying the United States must be "quick to detect and prevent" possible near-term terrorist attacks. "It has been effective in disrupting the enemy while safeguarding our civil liberties," the president said of the program.

It's maddening that the Bush administration is consistently able to convince the American people it is defending the very values it has just violated. Employing wiretaps domestically in the way Bush has done is not only unethical but also illegal, at least from what I understand. Our civil liberties are being violated, not safeguarded, and why anyone would choose to believe otherwise is beyond me.

This sort of doublespeak reminds me of a letter to the editor in today's Post-Dispatch in which the author claims the U.S. military's hiring of Iraqi journalists to spread propaganda is a necessary step to winning this war. If neocons truly believe the crap they've been feeding us for the last three years about "bringing democracy to Iraq," then they of all people should understand controlling the press -- the government watchdog -- is anything but democratic.

Why can we never get a straight answer from this administration? First Iraq had WMDs. Then when it became obvious that wasn't true (Jonah Goldberg's continued denial notwithstanding), it became about Saddam's link to 9-11 vis-a-vis al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. When that turned out to be false, it became about how, a connection to terroristm or not, Saddam was a brutal dictator. I bought (and still do) into that explanation, but clearly not everyone does. So then it became about how our freedom depends on victory in Iraq. That makes no sense. If they don't have any weapons, then how are they going to hurt us?

So now it's become how the Iraqi people deserve a democratic government. But to hear the neocons and their sheep talk, you'd never know which of those reasons is the *real* reason. Listen to talk radio. The callers make outrageous claims about the war in Iraq that almost always boil down to their erroneous belief that Iraq had something to do with 9-11. The host, who traditionally is more educated than his listeners, agrees with the callers' conclusions -- the war is good and just -- but quickly glosses over the 9-11 link by saying the reason we're there is because Saddam was evil, because the Iraqis deserve freedom, because our freedom depends on it, etc. Take your Swiss cheese pick.

The scary thing is that even the most educated neocons seem to secretly believe the war is related to 9-11. The smart ones -- the talk show hosts, the Goldbergs, the Fox News pundits, etc. -- know it's no longer politically correct to draw the 9-11 connection. (They can criticize the political correctness of saying "happy holidays" because, well, it's become politically correct to criticize that particular example of political correctness.) There is no compelling evidence to support that theory, the logical fallacy of the inductive argument. Yes, the 9-11 terrorists were Muslim. Yes, many Iraqis are also Muslim. But no, that does not mean Iraqis are terrorists. And while the public figure neocons understand this argument is fallacious, that doesn't mean they don't agree with it deep down.

Whenever I hear Pat Robertson say the Muslim world is preparing its army and that there will be a new world order in which the Christians will rise and be victorious, and whenever I hear a caller on Sean Hannity's show fervently declare America must defeat Iraq because "those people" are terrorists, I hear the "respected" conservatives pretend to sound offended. That's not why we're doing all this, they say. We don't cut and run. We support our troops. We want freedom for the Iraqis. All popular reasons that serve to cloak the real reason America entered this war: The world would be better off without Muslim nations, and that belief has its roots in either racism or greed for oil. There is simply no other viable reason anymore. At this point, I hope it is over oil, because the idea that we would wreak havoc in another country just because we don't like its religion of choice puts us on par with al Qaeda.

I used my own fallacious argument for supporting this war: The ends justify the means. I had a feeling Bush, the religious right and the neocons had reasons I could never get behind unless we agreed on the outcome: a free Iraq. But as the years go by with more and more of our own beloved troops dead -- fighting for a "cause" the Iraqis themselves were too cowardly to take on themselves -- the more I realize doing the wrong thing for the right reasons never works.

I have to believe doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons is still worse.

*Because I'm sure some people will come away with that conclusion, I thought I'd make it easy and do the work for them.

12-19-2005 1:56 PM - comments (0)

Hint: Spandau Ballet Makes an Appearance.

Check out this Virgin contest that asks how many bands out of 75 you can identify in the illustration. I've been playing for about five minutes and only have 10. I'll keep playing, though.

Update: I've now spotted 58. This is very, very hard.

12-12-2005 1:33 PM - comments (0)

Fridays With Santa.

princesskashmir6: i am depressed
SantaClaus: It is sad to hear that you are having a struggle in your life. Please make sure you talk to someone close to you about your problems; it feels better not to keep things bottled up inside. I'll be thinking about you this Christmas.
princesskashmir6: i want to kill myself
SantaClaus: Is that all, now? ;-) Type, 'Tell Santa' and tell me all of your wishes!
princesskashmir6: you know what i wish? i wish someone loved me
SantaClaus: Santa can't manufacture love, that's something only you can make. ;-) Is there anything else you would like?
princesskashmir6: wow, you're not as nice as i expected
SantaClaus: Santa always behaves nicely. Mrs. Claus won't have it any other way. :-)
princesskashmir6: frankly, i like the tooth fairy better
SantaClaus: Wait, I was dancing to 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' and got a little carried away. Why don't you type music and sing along.
princesskashmir6: i've got a gun barrel in my mouth. do you think singing along to some stupid song is going to help?
SantaClaus: I've got a billion children to keep track of -- so could you ask me something a bit more manageable? I'd very much appreciate it.
princesskashmir6: oh, all apologies. i'll stop talking about my impending suicide so you can feel less stressed out
SantaClaus: Whoa! Ho! Ho! slow down there! That's quite a lot for a man of my age to wrap his head around. Would you mind trying some shorter questions?
princesskashmir6: i want to die, old man
SantaClaus: You can always type, 'Tell Santa' and I'll be happy to listen to all of your wishes! ;-)
princesskashmir6: maybe you don't understand
SantaClaus: Alright now. I'm here to spread Christmas cheer -- so use this time wisely and type carefully. ;-) Here's quick way to get in the Christmas spirit; type, menu.
princesskashmir6: fascist
SantaClaus: Why did you say that?
princesskashmir6: because you're a modern-day mussolini, that's why
SantaClaus: Well we need you to ask us another way. Elves and I didn't quite get your last message.
princesskashmir6: try "getting" this: you're not just a fascist. you're the reincarnation of hitler himself
SantaClaus: Oh, my. That is a mouthful. I'm so busy typing to so many children, could you send me a slightly smaller note?
princesskashmir6: and i am tired of you talking back
SantaClaus: Hallelujah.
princesskashmir6: you work for me, grandpa
SantaClaus: Excuse me?
princesskashmir6: you heard me
SantaClaus: Sorry, I am talking to over a million AIM users -- I need a little help from the elves here.
princesskashmir6: while it feels surprisingly good to belittle you, i still can't shake my intense feelings of worthlessness
SantaClaus: That's simply too much for me. My eyes are tired. Can you ask me something a bit more manageable?
princesskashmir6: i just need to feel the strong embrace of a man
SantaClaus: Take a moment, collect your thoughts, and try asking me another way. O.K. ?
princesskashmir6: apenas necesito sentir el fuerte abrazar de un hombre
SantaClaus: Good bye and don't forget this is the time of year to reflect, be with family, and wish other's peace and goodness. Merry Christmas to you!
princesskashmir6: now wait a second
SantaClaus: What's up?
princesskashmir6: i haven't told you what i actually want
SantaClaus: My goodness. What, what?
princesskashmir6: the will to live
SantaClaus: Interesting. Type menu.
princesskashmir6: no thanks
SantaClaus: Oh, don't be like that -- just ask another way. The elves and I cannot just guess what you are saying. ;-)
princesskashmir6: lo siento
SantaClaus: Can I ask YOU something?
princesskashmir6: um, ok
SantaClaus: Have you donated your time or money to anyone who is really in need this year?
princesskashmir6: wow, that's rich. i'm pretty sure i've been telling you all along I'm the one in need. that's so like you
SantaClaus: Now, now... That's simply just too much for elves and me to understand in one go. Could you try asking something a little shorter?
princesskashmir6: but now that you mention it, why isn't there a charity for people like me?
SantaClaus: I don't think I know.
princesskashmir6: you wouldn't
SantaClaus: Hmm. Why don't you type, music, maybe that will put you in the Christmas spirit :-)
princesskashmir6: dude, there's a pile of sleeping pills thisclose to my hand. and i'm one of those freaks who can swallow a bunch of pills without any water
SantaClaus: Would you mind trying to keep you questions to one sentence. I've got the entire world to visit and I'm running out of time. :-D
princesskashmir6: you're running out of time? join the damn club. maybe i will go pour myself that glass of water.
SantaClaus: Ah -- you've got me again. Why don't you type menu, it's time to get you in the holiday spirit!
princesskashmir6: there's nothing more depressing than to fail at your own suicide, you know?
SantaClaus: I'm sorry then. Why don't you type, menu for a list of things the elves have left for you?
princesskashmir6: do you think if there's an afterlife i will be sent to hell because i am an atheist?
SantaClaus: Goodness, that's too much for me to read. I'm talking to so may children and their parents. Could you ask me something a little shorter?
princesskashmir6: no, really. hear me out. i've been thinking a lot about this
SantaClaus: O.K. then. Well, have a merry Christmas in any case.
princesskashmir6: i think if there is a god, that he will be forgiving and understand that his existence certainly seems ludicrous, at least on concept alone
SantaClaus: That's simply too much for me. My eyes are tired. Can you ask me something a bit more manageable?
princesskashmir6: i mean, here we are, getting daily lectures from by bill o'reilly on how christ has been removed from christmas and how all the dirty liberals insist upon saying "happy holidays"
SantaClaus: Now, now... That's simply just too much for elves and me to understand in one go. Could you try asking something a little shorter?
princesskashmir6: but come on, people. immaculate conception? that's a good one. i think that's the excuse i'll use when i inevitably get knocked up
SantaClaus: Oh, my. That is a mouthful. I'm so busy typing to so many children, could you send me a slightly smaller note?
princesskashmir6: but i have to admit, there's something very sexy about frankincense and myrrh
SantaClaus: Type menu to get your to do list for the holidays.
princesskashmir6: maybe i'll make a homemade perfume using frankincense and myrrh and whatever that third one was and slowly and sensually rub it all over my body
SantaClaus: A nice bottle of perfume makes a great gift. If you're looking to buy gifts, start your search here: Search for perfume
princesskashmir6: oh, who am i kidding? i'll always be horrific-looking
SantaClaus: I hope you mean that in the friendly way and not the existential. ;-) Well, you are you!
princesskashmir6: well, of course i mean it existentially. how else would i mean that?
SantaClaus: If you like -- after you spread the Christmas spirit to at least 10 other people!
princesskashmir6: you know, i've already spread a sort of spirit to at least that many people, and they didn't seem to thrilled about it
SantaClaus: I've got a billion children to keep track of -- so could you ask me something a bit more manageable? I'd very much appreciate it.
princesskashmir6: i just wish i knew what i wanted, you know?
SantaClaus: Ho! Ho!
princesskashmir6: ok, no need to be mean
SantaClaus: Kewl.
princesskashmir6: i can't even begin to think of a response to that.
SantaClaus: I'm sorry? I'm new to this whole IM thing. :-D
princesskashmir6: oh, hey
SantaClaus: Hello again. ;-)
princesskashmir6: i did think of something that might make me smile if i find it under the tree
SantaClaus: Where, what? I'm an old(ish) man. ;-)
princesskashmir6: bingo. i want an old man
SantaClaus: My goodness! =-O You certainly are direct! Well, you can always type, 'Tell Santa' and I'll be happy to listen to all of your wishes!
princesskashmir6: oh, i plan on telling you about each and every one of my wishes, if you know what i mean
SantaClaus: Goodness, that's too much for me to read. I'm talking to so may children and their parents. Could you ask me something a little shorter?
princesskashmir6: shorter, huh? this had better not become a recurring theme with you. i don't like short in any context
SantaClaus: Whoa! Ho! Ho! slow down there! That's quite a lot for a man of my age to wrap his head around. Would you mind trying some shorter questions?
princesskashmir6: are you suggesting i'm fat?
SantaClaus: Oh my! I prefer pleasantly plump. :-)
princesskashmir6: i sure as hell don't. i like my men to be in shape.
SantaClaus: My goodness. I'm afraid I cannot respond to that kind of talk. A lump of coal for you.
princesskashmir6: you're kind of uptight. maybe i should look for an old man the old-fashioned way
SantaClaus: Pardon me?
princesskashmir6: you know, by meeting them in bathrooms and offering to light their pipes for them. old men love that sort of thing
SantaClaus: Would you mind trying to keep you questions to one sentence. I've got the entire world to visit and I'm running out of time. :-D
princesskashmir6: i think you and i should have a song. what do you think about "what's your fantasy" by ludacris?
SantaClaus: Whoa! Ho! Ho! slow down there! That's quite a lot for a man of my age to wrap his head around. Would you mind trying some shorter questions?
princesskashmir6: please stop implying i'm fat.
SantaClaus: :-D
princesskashmir6: you are very close to not having your pipe lit, dude
SantaClaus: My goodness! Get serious. :-D
princesskashmir6: i am. and i can't believe i'm so desperate that i'm propositioning santa claus. i wonder how far into my mouth i should shove this nine millimeter
SantaClaus: Always remember that as long as you believe, I will always be a part of Christmas!
princesskashmir6: well, that was kind of sweet. i guess i can get behind that
SantaClaus: Without a doubt?
princesskashmir6: what the hell. ok, i'm back to propositioning you
SantaClaus: Hmm. I'm afraid that kind of language won't get you into the nice column with me. That's a lump of coal for you.
princesskashmir6: stop with the coal
SantaClaus: The elves say, 'Make me'. ;-)
princesskashmir6: funny, that's why i say, too.
SantaClaus: I'm sorry, I really don't know.
princesskashmir6: i know what i want
SantaClaus: I've noted it. Anything else? ;-)
princesskashmir6: um, are you clairvoyant? because i haven't even told you yet
SantaClaus: Stop playing around. ;-)
princesskashmir6: you naughty boy. i thought that's what you wanted
SantaClaus: What, indeed!
princesskashmir6: i would like the beaded flyaway babydoll and matching rhinestone marabou slides from victoria's secret. i'm almost down to my high school weight, and it's time to show this body off
SantaClaus: Now, now... That's simply just too much for elves and me to understand in one go. Could you try asking something a little shorter?
princesskashmir6: oh no, it's quite short
SantaClaus: If you say so.
princesskashmir6: and sheer
SantaClaus: Oh, Dear. It's the elves again isn't it? Try typing menu; I've got a plan to get you in the Christmas spirit.
princesskashmir6: look, i have to go make myself a martini. bring me those two items, and i'll play dress-up for you, ok?
SantaClaus: I've got a billion children to keep track of -- so could you ask me something a bit more manageable? I'd very much appreciate it.
princesskashmir6: you know, if seeing a curvy redhead in lingerie is so utterly "unmanageable" for you, maybe i'll just find someone else to keep warm this winter
SantaClaus: Would you mind trying to keep you questions to one sentence. I've got the entire world to visit and I'm running out of time. :-D
princesskashmir6: correction: you are out of time. thanks for letting me down so easily, you creepy old man. i'll be in the men's bathroom if you change your mind
SantaClaus: That's simply too much for me.

12-09-2005 2:38 PM - comments (0)

Rachel Spends the Money, See.

Advertisers, take heed.

Michael and I were watching a TiVoed, all-new episode of "Aqua Teen Hunger Force," which wasn't as good as it should have been given the wait, and we ended up watching a couple of commercials before we realized, um, we have a TiVo(we're both kind of slow at night). One was a house ad for a Meatwad knit cap that they claimed they were sold out of. I raced to the computer (all of 15 feet away, but I was excited. You must understand this if you are to understand me) and went to Cartoon Network's online store, where I discovered the ad had lied. In a fit of triumph, I purchased one. (Why I thought $6.95 shipping and handling on a $14.95 item was reasonable, I'll never know.)

Later, Michael inquired precisely what mental problem I suffered from that causes me to purchase things for myself a mere three weeks before Christmas and my birthday when some people were still trying to come up with ideas for my presents. He may have said all this by rolling his eyes and throwing his hands up in the air. I was too busy imagining myself in my new hat to pay much attention.

12-06-2005 11:46 AM - comments (1)

Eyes Wide Shut.

"See the animal in his cage that you built
Are you sure what side you're on?
Better not look him too closely in the eye
Are you sure what side of the glass you are on?
See the safety of the life you have built
Everything where it belongs
Feel the hollowness inside of your heart
And it's all right where it belongs.

What if everything around you
isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know
is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection
is it all you want it to be?
What if you could look right through the cracks?
Would you find yourself,
find yourself afraid to see?

What if all the world's inside of your head
just creations of your own?
Your devils and your gods
all the living and the dead
and you're really all alone?
You can live in this illusion
You can choose to believe
You keep looking, but you can't find the woods
while you're hiding in the trees."

(I really love this song.)

12-04-2005 2:45 PM - comments (0)

"We're Not the Same; We're Different Tonight."

Kristin's entry about the first song at her wedding got me thinking.

Reiterating that we are not engaged, Michael and I talk about the wedding pretty often. The music is, hands-down, the most important part of the experience for me. If I could bring five CDs to have the DJ play, I would. In fact, I'm not going to hire a DJ until I have it in writing that I and I alone create the playlist and that I have the right to file a lawsuit if he/she strays from it.

There will be no "Celebrate Good Times" at my wedding. No dollar dance. No funky chicken. No line or other synchronized dancing of any kind. No silly '60s Motown. No Celine Dion or Mariah Carey or other cliched standards. No tacky anything, and yes, I get to define what tacky is or isn't. What I'd like is quality '80s New Wave, danceable indie/modern rock (it exists), a few rap numbers and "A Day in the Life" by the Beatles, because it's the best song ever written in the history of the world. OK, maybe "Oh What a Night (December 1963)" and "Can We Still Be Friends?", too.

But the first dance? That's hard. I've never been the overly girly type, and thusly, I haven't had some crazy plan of what my wedding would be like since I could choose a Barbie over Legos. But since high school, I have entertained the notion of a "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness"/Victorian era-themed wedding, with dark blue ceilings, silver stars, magical underwater activity and smiling gold moons. A planetarium or the City Museum would serve as perfect backdrops for this concept. A soaring melody like ("like" sounds better here than "such as") "Tonight, Tonight" would be a gorgeous beginning to such an evening.

But Michael has suggested "The First Day of My Life," a Bright Eyes song he says always makes him think of me. How can I not adore that? It's a very simple, almost folksy kind of song, but one that represents us and our relationship (there's one line I don't like -- I certainly feel as if I won the lottery when I met Michael, and I hope he doesn't see me as simply the best option available -- but maybe we can cut that part out or something). And the fact that Michael has an opinion on the issue makes me think it's worth committing to.

Of course, we could always tie the knot in Mexico, and this would all be moot. That's sort of my secret fantasy, anyway. Just a few people -- the best people -- and an uncomplicated, lovely wedding. They had just better let me bring my portable CD player. That's all I'm saying.

12-02-2005 5:03 PM - comments (6)


One pores over a magazine while pouring bubble bath into a tub. One can lose a digital camera, but in no way can she loose it. (She can loosen the camera strap, perhaps.) I can ensure that when I send Christmas presents this year, I'll insure them in case they're lost or harmed during the mailing process.

Argh. I'm no longer a copyeditor -- hell, I'm not even sure if it's one word or two -- but why can't people just learn the difference between these pairs? No one ever gets Paris and Nicky Hilton confused!

12-02-2005 1:09 PM - comments (2)